

Upon admission to CIED, the following facilities will be offered to the incubatees on an individual basis:

  • Office space
  • Computers – up to two on a rental basis. More than two can be availed at market rates.
  • Printer
  • Internet connection (separate line is provided for each incubatee)
  • Phone connection – each incubatee to pay the rentals and bills
  • Standard Furniture
  • One Accommodation to Director/Promoter depending upon the availability One hostel room located next to the incubation centre)

Common infrastructure: CIED provides a common pool of hard and soft infrastructure to be shared by all incubatees. The following resources are provided:

  • Photocopying machine
  • CD-cutting machine
  • Document Scanner
  • Meeting/Conference room with projection equipment
  • Tele or Video conferencing facilities
  • Institute infrastructure: CIED may facilitate access to institute
  • Infrastructure or Laboratories as per norms of CTR, Ludhiana.

CIED may associate with external professionals for Accounting, IP, Legal and Management expertise on a part-time basis. Incubatees can avail of their services. Any direct services provided to an incubatee would have to be paid for by the incubatee to the service provider.

For support in management or technology, incubatees will be assigned an MBA/B. Tech student, if desired.

The CIED Head shall meet with the incubatee once every six months for a strategic review and discussion of operational issues. Further meetings are possible and can be scheduled based on the needs of the incubatee.

An incubatee can take a mentor to provide technical expertise, if desired. Priority will be given to CTR faculty. However, if no appropriate mentor can be found, an external mentor will be hired. This mentorship agreement shall be on a pro bono basis. Specialized co-mentors are also available to the companies to assist with particular strategic areas or to provide project-oriented consultation. These arrangements shall be on a pro bono basis.
An incubatee may avail of consulting services by empanelled professionals of CIED on mutually accepted terms and conditions.

CIED has created a database of Industry mentors. Every incubatee incubated at CIED may select, if needed, one Industry mentor.

Off-Campus incubatees will be the start-ups or entrepreneurs, which can operate in the open market, while CIED supports in the fields of skill, technology and business development including access to overseas market. Incubatees receiving support from other incubators but need the domain area support of CIED as mentioned earlier shall be eligible for support under this category. The services and support shall be equal to on-campus incubatees other than sharing physical space and direct monitoring

Applicants shall file an IP declaration worksheet at the time of admission and declare the Intellectual Property developed and owned by the incubatee. In case the incubate company has not availed any rights with respect to patent, software code, copyright, design registration, etc. and is desirous of obtaining it, then the start-up may take help of IPFC of the CIED. CIED’s incubatees have access to an expert on Intellectual Property Rights, who supports incubatees with issues related to protecting their intellectual property. Notwithstanding anything written above, Intellectual Property Rights will be governed by the CTR, Ludhiana.
